Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Human Footprint

I watched an interesting program on the National Geographic channel called the Human Footprint. I just thought I would share some interesting information that I learned.
Since we use a lot of diapers around this house I found this scary. In an average child's life time they will go through 3,796 disposable diapers. In order to make these diapers here are just some of the ingredients it will take: 1,898 pints of crude oil, 715 lbs of plastic and 4.5 trees. After these diapers are used it is estimated that they will take over 500 years to biodegrade. The estimate is that there are 80 billion diapers used a year in the world. The funny think is that we use them because they are supposed to be so convenient, but they sure are not convenient to make and definitely not convenient to get rid of. I was feeling pretty good about myself for using cloth diapers until they said it takes 22,455 gallon of water to wash them, but I am sure that water is used in the manufacturing process of disposable diapers. I guess you are going to leave a human footprint whether you like it or not, but at least I feel like I am not going to leave thousands of diapers that will still be here 500 years from now. Boy is that leaving something for posterity. It is funny because when people find out that I use cloth diapers they look at me like I have two heads and then most people just admit that they are to lazy to us them. I don't know why they think it is so much work to use cloth diapers. All you do is throw them in the washing machine every 4 or 5 days and then hang them up do dry.
If all of this information has inspired you to try cloth diapers then here is the website where I ordered ours. I have to say that I love using these diapers. They are not the things our poor mothers had to use with pins and plastic pants. They are so easy to use and wash and we hardly ever have leaks. I use liners that just get flushed down the toilet, that way the poo doesn't end up in the land fills where the bacteria can cause problems ( I bet you never thought of that). Plus nothing feels better on a bare bottom than nice soft cotton.

If you are interested in more information on the Human Footprint, you can check out the site at


Sara K. said...

How interesting - and a little sad really. Sometimes I get a little depressed about how big of a footprint we all make! Great stats and a great link! Thanks Environmental Mama!!! -S

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. I figure the more people who hear this information and opinion the better. I also figure the water usage is better than the crude oil and "never going away" factors. Either way it's a two edged sword, but I feel better about cloth over all.

Now that school is almost over I'll be better about suing mine.