Thursday, June 3, 2010

I Did It! Two Big Milestones

My first milestone is that I made my goal weight on May 11 2010! I lost an even 30 pounds. But to be honest this has been a work in progress since before I had kids. Before I got pregnant with Isha I lost 22 pounds and then after she was born I lost an additional 20 pounds. Thank you breastfeeding. Unfortunately between that time and after Diya was born I had gained a few pounds back so I needed to lose 30 pounds to get me where I am today. That makes for a total of 58 pounds lost from my highest weight ever.

Some days I am scared about how I am going to keep the weight off. It takes a lot of work, but to be honest it takes a lot of work to be fat and to constantly worry about being fat so I will do what I need to do and keep it off. I just have to realize that I am not cured and that I am always going to have to watch what I eat. Honestly though, no one needs to eat as much ice cream as I did anyways!!!

My other milestone is that I ran my 5K race!! It was a ton of fun. The weather was perfect and I was able to run the entire race without having to stop and walk. I didn't get the best time, but my goal was just to run the whole race and I did it!!!! It was such a great feeling and I hope that the girls will learn to enjoy being active and not have to ever have 58 extra pounds on their bodies.

I also went shopping this weekend and bought some new clothes for the summer. I went from wearing a size 12 to a size 6!!! Any time I feel stressed about keeping the weight off I should just pull out a pair of my old jeans and that should freak me out enough to get me motivated to be healthy and make good choices about food.

Here I am close to the finish line!!! My next goal is to run a 10K and NO I have no desire to ever run a marathon, but a half marathon... well MAYBE.


Holli said...

Wow! Congratulations -- you look fantastic and must feel even better! Way to go!


Angie said...

Holy Crap! I need to do that. The stress of moving is not helping. Way to go!!

Anonymous said...

You are my idol!! You'll be so proud of yourself you won't want to go back. I'm so proud of you, Jen!!! Way to go. You're going to be the HOT SISTER at Jamie's wedding this summer.

Meg said...

You are my hero! You are a rockstar! You should be proud of your self for achieving all of your goal (I know I am proud of you!) You're an inspiration to your girls to be healthy and active...and your friend over here in Seattle who could use the motivation herself! Thanks for giving it to me! I was wondering about you and your race the other day! Miss you! Am sending lots of big hugs your way my dear friend!

lifeatthewhitehouse said...

Congrats, Jen!!! You are amazing!

Sara K. said...

I have been keeping this post in my reader for ages. I just wanted to say - WAY TO GO!!! You totally rock. And look amazing!! WOOT! Woot!