Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Broken Heart

Friday evening I got the phone call that I had been dreading. Stitch was unable to walk or even stand up and his eyes were twitching. The vet said that at his age she didn't want to put him through lots of test and that with the signs he was showing he wasn't going to get better. She thought it was probably a brain tumor or a stroke. So my mom called and together we made the hard decision to let him go.

Stitch was my first born and best friend. I was there when he was born and he was with me through all of the ups and downs of my life. I bought my first house for him, he was my therapist when my first marriage ended, he was my nurse and physical therapist after surgery, he was my popcorn eating study buddy when I was in nursing school, he was my side kick when I moved to Virginia and had no friends, he was there when Jai proposed to me and he was there when I brought home my first baby.

A little over a year ago he went to live with my parents. As the mom of a toddler and another baby on the way I didn't feel like he was getting the attention that he deserved and needed and I knew that my parents could give him all the love he needed plus some. They have his brother and they had the time to go on walks and take camping trips. I know this was the best thing for Stitch, but it still breaks my heart that I didn't have him here and that I wasn't there in those final moments. I wanted to see him one more time and let him know how much I loved him. My parents and their dog spent an hour sitting with him and loving him and my mom told him that I loved him and so his final moments were peaceful and filled with love.

I promised Stitch that someday I would take him to the beach. I always thought we would go to the Oregon Coast, but we never made it so when we moved to Virginia we took him to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. This is a picture of him enjoying the sand and sun on Okracoke Island. It was one of the best trips Jai and I ever took with him.

This is my favorite picture of him. This was taken at Skinny Dipper hot springs in Idaho. That was a great day. Nothing better than a hike up to the hot springs in the snow.

Isha loves Stitch. She asks me about him all the time. I don't know how to explain this to her now so I haven't said anything. I guess when the time comes I will just tell her the truth, that Stitch is in Heaven.
My parents also had Stitch's dad, who died last year. Some day when Gator goes to be with them we will take all of their ashes up in the mountains in Idaho and let the three of them be together always.


Ashley Massey said...

That was really sweet, Jen. XOXO.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jen! I'm so sorry to hear about Stitch. I know how much you love him, and he really was your best friend through thick and thin. I still have some pictures of you with him.

I love you, friend. I hope your heart heals soon.


lifeatthewhitehouse said...

This post made me cry. I am so sorry you had to go through that! It is so hard to lose such a dear friend. I will be thinking of you!!!

Sara K. said...

Oh Jen. I had no idea when we visited. I am so so sorry. I would have given you an extra hug. Stitchy was such a great dog! Always friendly, willing to curl up at your feet, and always willing to give kisses when needed. He was a sweetie. I send an extra dose of love! S

Meg said...

I'm so sorry Jen! I'm sorry it's also taken me so long to get back to you. I actually clicked on your blog last week while reading my blogs at lunch. I took one look at the title, the picture and started to cry at my desk so I had to click away. I wanted to read your entry at home so I could cry right along with you (um, which I am). I know how Stitch was your best friend and there with you for the good and bad. I know he was much loved by all of us! I still think of you two when I sit in my favorite overstuffed green chair, which incidently, the ottoman still has a Stich shaped indentation from his years of sitting on it while you were curled up in the chair.
I'm sending you extra love this week!

Miss Haley said...

my dog is a golden too. they're the best ever. he's pretty old... they make great memories don't they?