Sunday, April 27, 2008

An Amazing Book

I am currently reading this book right now and it is amazing!!! I love it. Heather inspired me to read it and I was finally able to get it from the library. I will probably do a few posts on this book because there are so many things in this book that have inspired me. What I love most about the book is that she is very honest about food and it isn't full of a bunch of propaganda. She just gives you the facts about where your food comes from. I also don't feel like she is preaching to you. Once again she just tells the truth about the story behind food and gives you ideas about what you can do in your own lives to eat healthier and more responsibly. I can't wait to head down to the farmer's marked and local fruit stands to start eating some yummy summer veggies and fruit!


Anonymous said...

Glad you're liking it! Can't wait to hear your thoughts and what you decide to take on in your life. It's been interesting to see what I actually do vs. what I want to do and thought I would do. Now that summer is on the way it will be so much easier to eat local.

Sara K. said...

This is on my 'to read' list! I am hoping our adventure with the CSA will help me to make more sustainable food choices. I do love that we got to meet our farmer. I have started to call it our farm - amazing how a CSA share can help me feel ownership of this great organic farm!

I am sure that there are CSA's around Richmond. We found out about it through the Washington Post - but I think there are websites that can help. I love that we are always on the same page with these things!

Patty suggested another one that is similar that she liked better. Can't remember the title right now. I will send it to you on goodreads if I can. -S